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Environmental Statements & EcIA

Large road projects require an EIAThe ecologists at Oatlands Ecology are experienced EIA practitioners.
We can:
• Produce formal Scoping Reports to ensure all relevant ecological issues are considered early in the 
Ecological Assessment
• Produce an EcIA report that meets the aims and objectives of the EIA process and identifies:
  o The ecological value of the site and its features
  o The ecological magnitude and significance of any impacts
  o Mitigation measures
  o Residual impacts

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are a legal requirement for projects listed in Schedule 1, and meet certain criteria in Schedules 2 and 3, of the EIA Regulations

An EcIA (Ecological Impact Assessment) is the process used to determine the ecological impacts associated with a proposed project. Although an EcIA usually forms just one part of a larger Environmental Impact Assessment , they can be produced as a “stand alone report” for developments which, although do not require a full EIA, will have significant ecological impacts. 

Once it has been established that an EcIA is required, usually by the local planning authority, a Scoping Study and the appropriate level of Ecological Assessment should be undertaken. This is normally an ongoing and iterative process with the EcIA helping to inform the design of the project and vica versa.